[머니투데이 김진형 기자][삼성·하이닉스, 50나노 D램 양산]

D램 업계가 새로운 합종연횡을 통해 삼성전자와 하이닉스반도체를 맹추격하고 있는 가운데 삼성과 하이닉스가 또 한번 기술력의 우위를 확인했다.

20일 반도체 업계에 따르면 삼성전자는 이달부터 56나노 공정을 적용한 D램 양산을 시작했다. 50나노급 D램 양산은 세계 최초다. 하이닉스도 5월부터 54나노 D램 양산에 돌입한다.

삼성전자 관계자는 "4월부터 56나노 D램 양산에 돌입했다"고 말했다. 50나노급 공정을 적용하면 D램 생산량은 60나노급에 비해 50% 가량 늘어나고 전력소모는 30% 정도 줄어든다. 한장의 웨이퍼에서 생산할 수 있는 D램의 개수가 많아지는만큼 생산원가가 낮아져 경쟁력이 높아진다.

삼성전자는 특히 50나노급 D램에도 RCAT(Recess Channel Array Tr.) 기술과 6F²셀 구조기술을 적용했다. RCAT(Recess Channel Array Tr.)는 D램 셀의 트랜지스터를 3차원 방식으로 제작, 면적을 최소화함으로써 집적도를 더욱 높인 기술이다.

"F"는 디자인 룰(Design Rule)을 의미하는 것으로 지금까지는 가로 길이 4F와 세로 길이 2F의 곱으로 8F²라는 셀 면적이 정해졌지만 6F²는 가로 길이 4F를 3F로 줄여 셀 면적을 축소, 동일 디자인 룰에서 생산성의 추가적인 향상이 가능하다.

삼성전자는 2006년 3월 세계 최초로 80나노급 D램 양산을 시작했고 지난해 3월에는 역시 세계 최초로 60나노급 D램을 양산한 바 있다.

하이닉스도 5월부터 54나노 D램 양산을 시작한다. 하이닉스는 4월에 54나노 시제품을 생산하기 시작했으며 5월부터 본격 생산에 돌입한다고 밝혔다.

하이닉스의 50나노급 양산은 삼성전자에 비해 다소 늦었지만 과거에 비하면 격차를 크게 줄인 것이다. 하이닉스는 삼성전자가 지난해 3월부터 양산하기 시작한 60나노급 공정을 작년 하반기에 적용한 바 있다.

하이닉스는 특히 지난해 66나노 공정을 적용한 D램 양산에 다소 문제가 있었지만 54나노 D램은 큰 문제없이 순조롭게 양산할 수 있을 것으로 확신하고 있다. 이와 관련 김종갑 하이닉스 사장은 "올해 삼성전자와 D램 기술의 격차를 완전히 해소할 것"이라고 강조했다. 삼성전자와 하이닉스는 각각 D램 업계 시장점유율 1위, 2위를 기록하고 있다.

하이닉스는 특히 4월부터 48나노 공정을 적용한 16기가바이트 낸드플래시 양산을 시작, 낸드플래시에서의 삼성전자보다 먼저 40나노급에 진입했다. 삼성전자는 현재 51나노 공정으로 16기가바이트 낸드플래시를 양산하고 있다.

업계 관계자는 "한국 D램 업체들이 일본 등 다른 나라의 기업에 비해 미세 공정전환에 앞섬으로써 원가 경쟁력의 우위를 확고히 해 1기가 D램 시장에서 절대 경쟁 우위를 지속해 나갈 것으로 전망된다"고 말했다.

☞ 반도체 업계 "40나노 시대 진입 본격화"
☞ 삼성전자-하이닉스, '이젠 50나노(㎚)가 대세'
☞ 하이닉스,프로모스에 54나노 기술이전

모바일로 보는 머니투데이 "5200 누르고 NATE/magicⓝ/ez-i"

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Night view of the National Stadium, known as the Birds Nest due to its intricate design, which is lit up from the inside and reflected in a pond in Beijing, China, 19 April 2008. The Birds Nest, centerpiece of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games will host both closing and opening ceremonies as well as all track and field events. EPA/DIEGO AZUBEL

<저작권자 ⓒ 2007 연 합 뉴 스. 무단전재-재배포 금지.>

< 아이디어의 보물섬! 최신 아이디어 모여라! www.idea-club.com >

Paramilitary police officers patrol outside the National Stadium known as the Birds Nest due to its intricate elaborate design, seen lit up at night in Beijing, China, 19 April 2008. The Birds Nest, centerpiece of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games will host both closing and opening ceremonies as well as all track and field events. EPA/DIEGO AZUBEL

<저작권자 ⓒ 2007 연 합 뉴 스. 무단전재-재배포 금지.>

< 아이디어의 보물섬! 최신 아이디어 모여라! www.idea-club.com >

General Motors Vice President Global Design Ed Welburn talks about the new Buick Invicta show car during its world debut at a special event prior to the start of Auto China 2008 in Beijing, China, 19 April 2008. The four-door midsize sedan with a coupe-like roofline presents bold direction for Buick's new generation of vehicles in the world's two biggest automotive markets; the United States and China. EPA/NATALIE BEHRING/ GENERAL MOTORS HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE onLY

<저작권자 ⓒ 2007 연 합 뉴 스. 무단전재-재배포 금지.>

< 아이디어의 보물섬! 최신 아이디어 모여라! www.idea-club.com >

"Sensitive Systems" and "Anselm Kiefer": Don`t pass up a rare opportunity to see the work of five renowned artists. Creations by iconic German painter and sculptor Anselm Kiefer, prominent Asian artist Lee Ufan and the European greats Roman Opalka, Giuseppe Penone and Gunther Uecker are here in Seoul. And they are all showing on the same block. The neighboring galleries Hakgojae and Kukje are exhibiting the works of these big-league artists, whose works - at times loud and bright, but mostly quiet and subdued - give visitors an extensive overview of the last 40-odd years of avant-garde art. Kukje Gallery`s "Anselm Kiefer-Geheimnis der Farne (The Secrets of Pteridophyta)" runs through May 24 in the new building. For more information, call (02) 733-8449 or visit kukjegallery.com

Gallery Hakgojae`s "Sensitive Systems" runs through April 25. For more information, call (02) 720-1524 or visit www.hakgojae.com

To get to these galleries, which are located next to each other, go to the Gwanghwamun Subway Station Line 5, Exit 3. And take the Jongno 11 bus.

"After the Pictorial Turn: The Styles of Contemporary Paintings": In the first of a series of exhibits featuring Korea`s young artists, The Doosan Gallery displays the works of four up-and-coming young Korean painters. Hong Kyoung-tak takes popular culture slang and abbreviations onto canvas in works already featured in auctions at Christie`s. Min Song-sik utilizes brushstrokes and point of view in his "The Carpenter`s House" series, Park Min-joon works with Surrealist themes and Yoo Seung-ho shows graffiti can be art too.

The exhibit runs every day except Monday from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. until April 24 at the Doosan Gallery in the Doosan Art Center, located at Jongno 5-ga Station (Line 1, Exit 1). Admission is free. For more information, call (02) 708-5050 or visit doosanartcenter.com

"Dreamality": The Lumiere Gallery has made a name for itself in recent years as a spotlight for quality photography exhibitions. So it comes as a surprise - or perhaps a sign of the times - to see Lumiere featuring the works of Eelco Brand, a Dutch artist working exclusively with computer generated images. Brand sets aside the camera and lens in favor of three-dimensional modeling on his computer and creates prints that, while resembling photographs, look more like they belong in a high-tech video game than in your family album. Despite the unconventional medium, however, Brand tackles a number of conventional issues, including the impact of humanity on our natural environment. Though movie clips and computer-generated images may be an aberration from Gallery Lumiere`s traditional photography exhibitions, Brand`s exhibition testifies to the changing face of art in new media and the gallery`s quest to stay on the cutting edge. Eelco Brand`s "Dreamality" runs every day except Monday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. at Gallery Lumiere Seoul until April 27. The gallery is located behind the Seoul History Museum, accessible via a 10-minute walk from Gwanghwamun Station (Line 5, Exit 7). Gallery talks are offered every day at 12:30 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. Adult admission is 5,000 won. For more information, call (02) 517-2134 or visit gallerylumiere.com

"Korean Art 1910-1960" and "New Acquisitions 2007": Art aficionados can take in early- to late-modern Korean art in one sitting at the National Museum of Contemporary Art. Start with the "Korean Art 1910-1960" exhibition on the third floor to trace the early development of modern Korean art. Not only does this exhibition showcase the highly valuable works of Park Soo-keun - his work "A Wash Place" sold for a record 4.52 billion won ($4.86 million) last May - it also displays the art of Korea`s first female painter Na Hae-suck, one of Korea`s first impressionists Oh Jiho and leading Korean artist Lee Jung-sup. After taking in the works of early modern Korean art, visitors can head on downstairs to the first floor where a "New Acquisitions 2007" exhibition is being held. In 2007 the National Museum of Contemporary Art added 264 works from 117 artists to their burgeoning collection of modern art. Paintings, photographs, prints, drawings and sculptures from their new collection grace the first floor. From famed Korean landscape painter Heo Geon`s art to last year`s Venice Biennale solo exhibitor Lee Hyung-koo`s sculpture, viewers can take in an extensive array of predominately contemporary modern art. The "New Acquisitions 2007" exhibition runs through April 27. The "Korean Art 1910-1960" exhibition runs through Feb. 22, 2010. To get to the National Museum of Contemporary Art go to Seoul Grand Park Subway Station, Line 4, Exit 4. A shuttle bus runs from there to the museum every 20 minutes starting from 9:40 a.m. Tickets for adults cost 1,000 won, 500 won for adolescents. Admission is free for children and the elderly. Opening hours are daily from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. The museum closes at 9 p.m. on Saturdays and Sundays. For more information call (02) 2188-6000 or visit www.moca.go.kr

"Vagrant N` Substance" and "Indication": Neighboring galleries PKM and Arario Seoul bring music to the art world through the paintings and drawings of Lee Noo-ri and Baik Hyun-jhin. Songwriter-vocalist Baik turns up the volume with his dark and grotesque oils and sketches, while artist Lee summons up 1980s pop and Bjork with his candy-colored works. Schooled in Basel and Frankfurt, Lee`s European influences stand out in his fluorescent paintings. Swirls of hot pinks, fuschias, deep purples and blinding neon yellows traipse across his canvases, creating a powerful rhythm of their own. If Lee`s works elevate with bright and vivid color, then Baik`s paintings crash down with dark and putrid hues. His oils are the perfect partners to his music. His new solo album "Time of Reflection," a lazy drone of eerie music composed, written and sung by Baik himself, complements the strange downward pull of his paintings. Baik Hyun-jhin`s solo exhibition "Vagrant N` Substance" runs through April 30 at the Arario Seoul Gallery. Admission is free. For more information call (02) 723-6190 or visit www.arariogallery.com

Lee Noo-ri`s solo exhibition "Indication" runs through April 30 at the PKM Gallery. For more information call (02) 734-9467 or go to www.pkmgallery.com

To get to both galleries go to Anguk Subway Station Line 3, Exit 1. Walk down until Poongmun Girl`s High School comes into sight. Turn right and walk down the stone-walled road past the high school. Arario Seoul is about two blocks down. PKM Gallery is located across the street from Arario Seoul.

"Hello. Into. Ink. Paper": Hello Museum, Korea`s first registered children`s art museum is holding an exhibition of Korean landscape paintings. But these aren`t just any paintings. Many of these works were specially created for children. Not only is the art custom-made for kids; it is also hung low on the wall, making it the perfect height for children to look at. Seo Eun-ae, who recently got attention at the Basel Art Fair in Switzerland, presents her version of a modern Asian landscape painting in "Long Afternoon" (2006), while Yim Tae-Kyu uses a double-layered technique to create quirky yet distinctly native art in "I Can Fly" (2007). For those who want their children to get even closer to art, Hello Museum also offers art classes on the second and fourth Saturday of every month.

Hello Museum`s current exhibition, "Hello. Into. Ink. Paper" runs through May 10. To get there, go to the Seolleung Subway Station Line 2, Exit 8. Then take buses 6411 or 3420 and get off at the second stop. Opening hours are from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesdays through Saturdays.

Tickets cost 20,000 won per child for the full course, and 8,000 won for just a tour. Art classes are 40,000 won per child. Pre- and post-visit lesson materials in English are available. Reservations need to be made a week in advance by phone. Call (02) 562-4420 to find out more.

"Atta Kim: on Air": The Rodin Gallery is currently showcasing Korean photographer Atta Kim`s famed on-AIR Project" series alongside his recent India and Indala series. In 2006, when he showcased his on-AIR Project" series at the International Center for Photography in New York, Atta Kim made headlines. Featured in the New York Times for this solo exhibition, he enthralled with his long exposures and layered photographs. Though both techniques have been used by photographers for ages, Kim breathed new life into the art with his own Asian sensibilities. Exploring the concept of existence, Kim photographed urban landscapes, public spaces and even ice for up 25 hours at a time. Atta Kim`s solo exhibition runs through May 25 at the Rodin Gallery. The gallery is a two minute walk from City Hall Subway Station Line 2, Exit 8. Tickets cost 3,000 won for adults, 2,000 won for adolescents. Opening hours are from Tuesdays to Sundays, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. The gallery opens till 9 p.m. on Thursdays. For more information call (02) 2259-7781 or visit


"The Jewels of Tiffany 1837-2007": Everyone knows diamonds are a girl`s best friend. And now, prestigious jewelry house Tiffany and Co. takes us on a journey through the fascinating and dazzling history of these enchanting baubles. With over 10 massive rooms worth of jewels, "The Jewels of Tiffany 1837-2007," overwhelms with 170 years worth of jewelry. From the Empress Eugenie Brooch, given to the French empress by Napoleon III, to the famed "Bird on a Rock," one of the world`s largest and finest fancy yellow diamonds, visitors are treated to an opulent display of gems. "The Jewels of Tiffany 1837-2007" runs through June 8 at the Seoul Arts Center Hangaram Design Museum. To get there go to Nambu Bus Terminal Station Line 3, Exit 5. The museum is a five minute walk away. Tickets cost 12,000 won for adults, 8,000 won for adolescents and 6,000 won for children. Opening hours are from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. For more information call (02) 3471-3641 or visit www.Tiffany170years.com

"Masterpieces in Ceramics from the V&A": The Korea Foundation Cultural Center is holding an exhibition of international ceramics from 3000 B.C. to the 20th century. Nine sections worth of Asian, Middle Eastern and European works await viewers. Among the ceramics on display are the two-meter high turquoise scepter from ancient Egypt, a life-size goat from Augustus the Strong`s porcelain menagerie in Dresden and Sevres porcelain busts of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette made shortly before they were beheaded. To look at this extensive and well presented collection of wares visit the Korea Foundation Cultural Center located near City Hall Subway Station Line 2, Exit 9 in the JoongAng Ilbo Building. The exhibition runs through June 23. Tickets cost 6,000 won for adults, 5,000 won for students and 4,000 won for children. For more information call (02) 3789-5600 or visit www.kfcenter.or.kr

"The King of Flowers expo": The great Swedish natural scientist Carl von Linne can claim many magnificent honors. He was, beyond doubt, one of the most influential scientists in history, crucial to our present day understanding of how the species on this planet relate to one another, and widely acclaimed as one of the most important progenitors of Charles Darwin. Linne, who was trained and practiced as a physician, was the first ever to define the human being as an animal among other animals, naming it Homo sapiens. In order to introduce the life and achievement of Linne, the Swedish Embassy is organizing an exhibition "The King of Flowers - Carl von Linne" at the Hantaek Botanical Garden until May 15. During the exhibition, there will be a Swedish-Korean joint symposium organized by the Korean History of Science Society and Uppsala University on April 26-27 highlighting Linne and his impacts in East-Asia contexts held at Seoul National University. Visit www.linnaeus300.com to find many scientific subjects and to share opinion. Hantaek Botanical Garden can be found at www.hantaek.co.kr (Korean only) or by calling (031) 333-3558.

"Czech expos in Daegu": Two exhibitions on Czech culture and history have opened at Keimyung University in Daegu. The exhibition ??Czech Architectural Cubism 1911-1914??/4 tells a story of the artistic movement of the early 20th century and its peculiar expression in Czech architecture. Panels with photographs, sketches and explanatory texts attempt to highlight important buildings and the most prominent personalities of the epoch. The other exhibition titled "Beauties and Secrets of the Czech Republic" depicts the turbulent history of the Central European country and demonstrates the striking characteristics of its many different periods including prehistory, middle ages, industrialization, two world wars, communist regime and recent events.


"Andrea Bocelli Tour 2008": The Italian operatic and classical crossover singer, who has sold more than 60 million copies of his albums, will give his second solo concert in the country at the Seoul Gymnastic Arena in southeastern Seoul on April 22. The upcoming Seoul recital will also feature Heather Headley, a Tony-winning Broadway star who starred in "The Lion King" and "Aida" as guest singer. Ticket prices for the concert range from 80,000 won to 280,000 won. Exit No. 3, Olympic Park Station on Subway Line No. 5. For more information, call (02) 3444-9969.

"James Blunt Concert": The BRIT Awards-winning English singer-songwriter will come to town for his first concert in the country on April 26 at the Olympic Hall of the Seoul Olympic Park. Best known for his smash worldwide hit "You`re Beautiful," Blunt became the first British artist to top the American singles chart in nearly a decade when the song reached No. 1 on the Billboard Hot 100 in 2006. Ticket prices for the concert range from 66,000 won to 99,000 won. Exit No. 3, Olympic Park Station on Subway Line No. 5. For more information, call (02) 563-0595.

"Paul Potts in Seoul": The sensational winner of last year`s "Britain`s Got Talent" will give his first recital in the country at the auditorium of Ewha Womans University, western Seoul, on May 3 and 4. During the final round of the contest, watched by 13.5 million viewers, he stunned the show`s judges and audiences alike with the hauntingly beautiful rendition of Puccini`s "Nessun Dorma." Ticket prices range from 77,000 won to 132,000 won. Exit No. 2, Ewha Womans University Station on Subway Line No. 2. For more information, call (02) 722-6504.

"L`Arc-en-Ciel Concert": The Popular Japanese visual rock band will perform at Olympic Gymnasium of Seoul Olympic Park, southeastern Seoul, on May 17. Comprised of vocalist Hyde, bassist Tetsu, guitarist Ken and drummer Yukihiro, the band whose name means "the arc in the sky" in French has sold over 15 million albums and 30 million singles since it was formed in Osaka in 1991. Ticket prices range from 44,000 won to 99,000 won. Exit No. 3, Olympic Park Station on Subway Line No. 5. For further information about the concert, call (02) 783-0114.

"Claude Bolling Big Band Concert": The world famous French jazz pianist, composer, arranger and conductor will give a concert with his band at the Goyang Aram Concert Hall on May 24. Bolling, 77, who virtually defined the concept of jazz-classical crossover with his groundbreaking album "Suite for Flute and Jazz Piano" has collaborated with a variety of accomplished artists including cellist Yo-Yo Ma and flutist Jean-Pierre Rampaul. Tickets are from 10,000 won to 70,000 won. Exit No. 3, Jeongbalsan Station on Subway Line No. 3. For more information, call (031) 960-0017.


"Soridoduk": Based on the Australian movie called "Amy," the musical was adapted and directed by Cho Kwang-hwa, and focuses on a child by the name of Achim, (which means "morning") who becomes so traumatized by the death of her father - who happened to be a popular singer - that she becomes deaf and mute. Achim and her mother come to live in a small country town, where a cast of characters, including an overzealous grandmother, a grandfather who is terrified of any kind of dirt or contamination, and a retarded teenager, among other out-of-the-ordinary folks, live. Haunted by the singing ghost of her father, Achim is embraced and eventually healed by the townspeople, including Yoo-joon, a struggling singer who has come out to the country for inspiration. "Soridoduk" is playing at the Hoam Art Hall. The show is performed weekdays at 8 p.m., Saturdays at 4 and 7 p.m. and Sundays and holidays at 3 and 6 p.m. The Hoam Art Hall is located 5 minutes from City Hall Station (Lines 1 and 2, Exit 9). Tickets run from 35,000 won to 60,000 won. For more information, call 1577-5266 or visit soridoduk.com

"Goodbye Girl": Actress Ha Hee-ra, known for her career on television dramas, returns to the musical stage for the first time since her 1998 appearance in "Nonsense." Ha takes the role of Paula, a single mother who falls in love with Elliot played by Jung Sung-hwa. By focusing on the two developing their relationship, the musical delivers a message of family and setting priorities. Through the process of their romance, both Paula and Elliot discover the importance of family and learn that before they can stand together as a couple, they must be able to stand up on their own. "The Goodbye Girl" will run until June 15 at the Baekam Art Hall, located near Samsung Station (Line 2, Exit 8). Performances are Tuesdays to Fridays at 8 p.m. with a 4 p.m. matinee on Wednesday, and at 3 and 7 p.m. on weekends and holidays. The performance is 150 minutes, including intermission, and tickets are 45,000 to 55,000 won. For more information, call (02) 501-7888.

"Snow Show": A magical show by internationally acclaimed comedian Slava Polunin is coming to Seoul on April 16 and to Seongnam on April 23 for a week run. The show will hit the stage at two theaters in Seoul - KEPCO Art Center (April 16-20) and Universal Arts Center (May 8-11) - and will also be performed at Seongnam Arts Center in April 23 through 27. The non-verbal show was hailed as an overwhelming, spectacular and amusing production, winning the Russian comedian a Time Out Award in London in 1993. After achieving success in London, the Russian performer presented his production in North America and was honored with the Olivier Award for Best Entertainment. According to Yedang Entertainment, the show`s agency in Seoul, more than one million audiences around the world have watched the show so far. Tickets are 40,000 won to 70,000 won. For more information, call (02) 6273-1114.

"Bremen Town Musicians": Chongdong Theater presents the musical "Bremen Town Musicians" April 25 through May 31. Based on the Grimm Brothers` classic fairy tale, the four animals of the musical - a donkey, a hound, a cat and a rooster - hit the road in the hope of becoming Bremen town musicians. The musical will have live music played on various instruments such as a rain stick, a traditional Chilean wind instrument and a Hawaiian traditional four-stringed ukulele. Characters will also sing a cappella songs to help kids understand the meaning of harmony. Tickets are 25,000 won and 30,000 won. Call (02) 02-751-1931 or visit www.chongdong.com for details.

"Teeth": Performed by all English-speaking actors, the musical "Teeth" might be a smart choice for parents who are looking for performances highly educational and entertaining. Featuring Arthur Johansen and Brad Curtin, the two actors currently working with EBS, the state-run broadcasting station, the musical teaches children the importance of dental hygiene. The musical follows the story of Prince David who feels obliged to rescue the princess from an evil monster. But after the rescue mission, the Princess spurns David because of his ugly teeth. The show hits the stage at COEX Arts Center in Samseong-dong on April 23 through May 18th. Tickets are all 30,000 won. For details, call (02) 747-0035.

"Notre Dame de Paris": The first French musical to be adapted into Korean, "Notre Dame de Paris" is playing at the Seongnam Arts Center in Seongnam, Gyeonggi Province. It will run through April 19. The musical is one of the most successful French musicals, having drawn in more than 10 million theatergoers around the world since its premiere in 1998. The French musical achieved huge success here despite highly priced tickets, attracting about 190,000 local fans when it was staged in 2005 and 2006. Korea is the first country in Asia and the fifth in the world - after Britain, Italy, Russia and Spain - to transform the French musical into a local version. Tickets are 30,000 won to 120,000 won. For more information, visit


"Mamma Mia": The Korean rendition of the immensely popular British musical "Mamma Mia" is playing at the Charlotte Theater in Seoul. The musical, a lighthearted mother-and-daughter relationship story built around 22 songs from the 1970s Swedish pop group ABBA, was created by British producer Judy Craymer and former ABBA members Benny Anderson and Bjorn Ulvaeus, and made its premier in London in 1999. Since then, "Mamma Mia" has become one of the major attractions in the theatrical world, garnering over 10 million in audience and $500 million in earnings through performances in Europe, North America, Japan and other countries. The Korean cast includes musical divas Choi Jung-won, Lee Jae-young and Jeon Soo-kyung. Tickets are 40,000 won to 120,000 won. For more information call (02) 577-1987 or visit



"Blackbird": A powerful production written by British writer David Harrower, which hit the West End stage three years ago. Based on a true story, the drama tells the tale of Una and Ray, who meet again 15 years after their relationship ended. Choo will play Una, who had an affair with Ray, a 40-year-old friend of the family, when she was just 12. The drama hits the stage at the Dongsoong Arts Center in Daehangno on March 21 through May 21. Choo Sang-mi, a versatile actress takes the role of Una of suffering ego while veteran actor Choi Jung-woo plays Choo`s counterpart, Ray. Tickets are 25,000 won and 35,000 won. For more information, call (02) 766-6007.

"Applause to Julie": As the title would indicate, this play does not follow the story of Hamlet, but rather revolves around a number of poor actors and their lives as they prepare for a production of Hamlet. The actor playing Hamlet falls in love with his Ophelia, who in a past performance played Juliet and can`t get over her Romeo. The drama runs from Tuesday to Friday at 8 p.m., weekends and national holidays at 3 and 6 p.m. until May 5. Tickets are from 25,000 to 35,000 won. Doosan Art Space 111 is located at Jongno o-ga Station (Line 1, Exit 1). For ticketing and more information, call (02)708-5002 or visit doosanartcenter.com

"Liar, Part 1": "Run for Your Wife" - known as "Liar, Part 1" in Korean. This play puts a comedic spin on the life of an ordinary man living two ordinary lives with two different wives. Song Sang-wook plays the role of John Smith, a man with a life as plain as plain can be. He, however, is married to both Mary and Barbara, and spends the better part of his life trying to keep his two lives separated while driving his taxi to pay the bills. John`s double life is turned upside down after he intervenes in a robbery and becomes a town hero of sorts. With the press involved and two police offers investigating, John must pump out lie after lie to try to keep everything under wraps. "Run for your wife" performs Tuesdays to Fridays at 8 p.m., Saturdays at 4 and 7 p.m. and at 3 and 6 p.m. on Sundays and holidays. The current show at Dongyang Art Hall, near Sinsa Station (Line 3, Exit 2), is an open run. Performances are 100 minutes and adult admission is 25,000 won. For more information, call (02) 515-6510 or visit dyarthall.co.kr

"Some Girls": Installation theater Jungmiso, in the heart of Hyehwa, brings Neil Labute`s "Some Girls" onto its stage, and by no means should it be a role model for anyone`s love life. Successful movie director Jin-woo returns from Paris to revisit the women of his past just before he gets married. Taking place entirely in Jin-woo`s hotel room, four women - a crazed high school girlfriend, a friends-with-benefits deal, and an acting senior who taught him the business - come and go as the play explores the psyche of an overtly selfish man and the women who love (or loved) him. Splitting time as the main character - played by David Schwimmer of "Friends" in the opening performance at London`s West End - Choi Duk-moon and Lee Seok-june showcase their versatility. "Some Girls" runs until Aug. 10 at Jungmiso Theater, accessible from Hyehwa Station (Line 4, Exit 2). Performance are 100 minutes and occur at 8 p.m. Wednesdays to Fridays with an additional 4 p.m. matinee on Fridays, and at 3 and 6 p.m. on weekends and holidays. Adult admission is 35,000 won. For more information, call (02) 766-6007 or visit idsartcenter.co.kr

"Closer": Danny Ahn, member of the pop R&B group "god" makes his theater debut with "Closer," which is adapted into Korean from the 1997 Patrick Marber play and the 2004 film of the same name. Ahn, who splits time with Lee Shin-sung, plays the role of Dae-hyun, an obituary writer who falls in love with a stripper, Ji-hyun. His wandering eyes, however, reset their sights on photographer Tae-hee, who gets married during the course of the play. Outwardly, the play may appear as a simple story of trading partners, but the subtleties within the story make it extremely complicated and socially profound and the set is integral in carrying out the complex message. "Closer" runs Tuesdays to Fridays at 7:30 and weekends at 7 p.m. until April 27. There are also 3 p.m. matinees on Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays. Performances are 120 minutes and are being held at Jayu Theater of the Seoul Arts Center, accessible from Nambu Bus Terminal Station (Line 3, Exit 5). Tickets are 30,000 to 40,000 won. For more information, call (02) 764-8760 or visit sac.or.kr


"Romeo and Juliet": The Korea National Ballet, led by former ballerina Choi Tae-ji, presents "Romeo and Juliet" at the National Theater of Korea on April 16-19. The performance will feature ballet troupe`s principal dancers, including Kim Joo-won and Kim Hyun-woong, and guests Kim Ji-young, principal dancer of the National Ballet of Netherland. The Korean ballet troupe`s "Romeo and Juliet" features the choreography of Russian master Yuri Grigorovich, one of ballet`s great figures in the 20th century. Tickets are 10,000 won to 100,000 won. For more information, call (02) 587-6181.

"Kyungsung, 1930": The Seoul Metropolitan Dance Company presents "Kyungsung, 1930," a new production that portrays the artistic lives of "gisaengs" during the Japanese colonial rule of Korea, on April 24-25 at the Sejong Center in central Seoul. Set in the 1930s in Kyungsung, the old name of Seoul during the colonial period, the production sheds light on the lives and spirits of gisaengs, or female entertainers, who went through years of hard training to learn traditional choreography, music and literature. "Kyungsung, 1930" is a dance production that centers on the story of two Gwonbeon artists - San-hong (played by Na Sun-joo) and Geum-hyang (Kim Seung-ae) - who happen to fall in love with the same man, Hyung-chul. Hyung-chul, played by young dancer Shin Dong-yup, is a charismatic man who fights for Joseon`s independence. Ticket prices range from 20,000 won to 100,000 won. For more information and ticket reservation, call (02) 399-1766 or visit www.sejongpac.or.kr


"Busan Int`l Performing Arts Festival": Aspiring to become Asia`s center for theatrical dramas, Busan holds its annual international performing arts festival from May 3 to 15 at the Busan Cultural Center and four other venues in the southeastern port city. Under the title "Music, the Essence of the Theater," this year`s festival will focus on music theater, a form of theater works combining music, songs, spoken dialogue and dance. The festival opens with "The Opera," a multimedia show by Squonk Opera from the United States and closes with musical "Sonagi (Rain Shower)" by the Seoul Metropolitan Musical Company. The festival will also feature Spanish non-verbal performer "M3" (on May 8-9 at Multimedia Theater of Kyungsung University), Russian cabaret show "Naphthalen" (on May 8-10 at the Busan Cultural Center) and Chinese puppet show once Upon A Time" (on May 5-15 at the Busan Cultural Center)." For more information and ticket reservation, call (051) 611-3703 or visit www.bipaf.org

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Spotting innovative trends


By Peter Gloor and Scott Cooper

Translated by Ahn Jin-hwan

(Business Map; 15,000 won; 332 pp.)

Apple`s iPod represents, among other things, "coolness." Its chic design and graceful interface are tempting enough to charm tech-geeks; a surging demand worldwide is generating a huge amount of profits in a sweeping way that mesmerizes even its jealous competitors.

But the definition of "coolness" is less than clear. For a start, the idea that something is cool is constantly changing, and there is no sure-fire method to track down and grab this rapidly moving target.

Peter Gloor and Scott Cooper - veterans at the Sloan School of Management of MIT - tackle this coolness dynamics, and the Korean translation edition of the book, titled "Coolhunting: Chasing Down the Next Big Thing," may not fully satisfy the coolness hunters but at least it attempts to give some general hints, clues and tips.

The concepts introduced by the book revolve around what is known as "collective knowledge," referring to innovation taking shape through online and offline collective channels where creative individuals contribute to the advancement of new technologies and ideas by showing off their cutting-edge coolness. The authors lay out three coolness entities: the "swarm," a future-predicting, trendsetting collectivity; the "coolhunters" who uncover those swarms; and the "coolfarmers," who nurture and drive that fledgling creativity.

But tapping into arcane principles of cool and identifying the profitable trends faster than competitors is easier said than done. Skimming this introductory book may not instantly lead to a dazzling coolness business item such as an iPod, but it will surely serve as a starting point for noticing the importance of new trends.

Truth hidden behind irrationality

The Logic of Life

By Tim Harford

Translated by Lee Jin-won

(Woongjinthinkbig; 13,500 won; 340 pp.)

"Give yourself a pat on the back. You`re not as stupid as everyone says you are, and now there`s a book that proves it," says Tim Harford, author of "The Logic of Life," whose Korean translation is titled "Economics Concert 2."

Harford, who has written the bestseller "The Undercover Economist" and regularly contributes to the Financial Times and Slate.com, starts with the idea that the world seems to be full of irrational human behaviors and illogical developments. From gambling to crime to the teenage sex craze, Harford examines how strongly humans defy logic in their pursuits and desires - on the surface.

Beneath the seemingly illogical veneer, however, Harford argues that there`s a hidden incentive that infuses momentum to human behavior. After all, life is spinning on a solid base that makes more sense than you might believe.

Harford offers an intriguing anecdote about his neighborhood: a thriving district continues to secure a better environment and living conditions while a poor area never pulls out of the rut. This wealth gap, the author claims, reflects the rational decision of the wealthy class, who help improve the district`s overall conditions thanks to their tendency to continue to stay in the affluent district, thus taking rational steps to make it a better place to live. In contrast, those living in the poor district tend to move around frequently, a condition that leaves little incentive to make efforts for better living conditions.

Touching on a multitude of arenas such as marriage, the workplace and racism, the author demonstrates that life is logical after all, though individual rational behavior does not always lead to a logical world on the surface.

Reviewed by Yang Sung-jin (insight@heraldm.com)

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Visitors inside an installation by Italian artist Michelangelo Pistoletto in downtown Milan, Italy, Friday, April 18, 2008. The installation, named "Grande cubo specchiante" (Big reflecting cube), made of iron and mirrors, contains a smaller work created by Pistoletto in 1966, "Metro cubo di infinito" (A square meter of infinite) a cube where the reflecting parts of the mirror are placed face in. The installation is one of the collateral events part of the ongoing Milan's international furniture fair and design week. (AP Photo/Alberto Pellaschiar)/2008-04-19 05:28:18/

<저작권자 ⓒ 1980-2008 ㈜연합뉴스. 무단 전재 재배포 금지.>

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지식경제부가 후원하고, 한국디자인진흥원과 디자인하우스가 주최하는 ‘한국디자인전’이 밀라노에서 열린다. (’08.4.16~21, 밀라노 LUISA BECCARIA)

50개국 2,500여 업체가 참가하고 27만 관람객이 찾는 세계 최대 규모의 디자인 전시회인 ‘2008 밀라노 국제가구박람회’에 맞춰 한국의 우수 디자인이 선보이는 것이다.

밀라노 국제가구박람회는 가구와 인테리어 뿐만 아니라 생활소품 등 디자인 전반을 아우르고 있으며, 전통과 현대, 신기술과 감성의 조화를 통해 세계 디자인 트렌드를 선도하는 전시로 인정받고 있다.

‘한국 디자인전’은 전시 · 프레스 컨퍼런스 · 리셉션으로 구성되며, "Designer's HAND(한국의 손·멋)"을 주제로 한 전시는 지식경제부 선정 ‘차세대 디자인리더’를 비롯한 유망 디자이너의 작품과 전주 한지를 활용한 공예 디자인, Design Korea 홍보관 등을 통해 한국의 우수 디자인과 디자인정책을 소개하게 된다.

프레스 컨퍼런스(4.17)에는 이탈리아의 유명 디자인잡지 인테르니(INTERNI)와 디자인포털 디자인붐(designboom.com) 및 영국의 아이콘(ICON) 등 해외 유력 언론사를 초청해 한국 디자인을 세계 무대에 홍보하고, 리셉션에는 국내외 디자인 인사, 언론, 관련 업계 종사자 등 약 200여명이 참가하는 가운데 세계적인 디자인 거장 알레산드로 멘디니, 건축디자이너 로베르토 셈프리니 등도 참석하여 자리를 빛낼 예정이다.

지식경제부는 금번 밀라노 한국 디자인전이 민간 디자인업체와 공공기관이 협력해 해외 유명 디자인전시회에 참가하는 최초 사례로, 디자인의 본고장 이탈리아에서 한국 디자인의 위상을 드높이는 계기가 될 것으로 기대하고 있으며,

특히 유럽의 선진 디자인 시장에 상품판매, 디자인 프로젝트 수주 등을 통해 약 100만달러 이상의 실적을 올릴 것으로 예상하고 있다.

또한 지식경제부는 금번 밀라노 ‘한국디자인전’ 개최를 계기로 향후 英 100% Design展 등 해외 유명 디자인전시회에 한국의 우수 디자이너와 기업의 참가지원을 지속적으로 확대할 계획이며, 아울러 디자인산업 해외진출 지원 네트워크 구축, 해외 유명 디자인 어워드 수상지원, 디자인 시장개척단 파견 등을 통해 국가브랜드 제고 및 디자인의 수출산업화를 위해 노력할 예정이다.

문의: 지식경제부 디자인브랜드과 변영만과장 02-2110-5101 < 아이디어의 보물섬! 최신 아이디어 모여라! www.idea-club.com >
By Lee Sun-woo


Clients will be able to buy Audi sedans designed on demand according to interior decoration and body color at an additional cost of up to 73.8 million won.

Audi Korea, the sales agent of the German carmaker, said Thursday that it has introduced a tailor-made design program, Audi Exclusive, for local customers at the showroom of Gojin Motors in southern Seoul.

Under the program, it offers a variety of options in three sectors _ body color, leather seat cover and wooden decoration - for the five models currently on sale in Korea: the TT, Q7, R8, A8 and S8.

A spokesman said that the company has offered a total of 504 kinds of body color for the A8 model, 443 for the Q7 and 85 for the R8 in the new program.

The option price is 2.8-14.7 million won for TT, 2.7-16 million won for Q7, 8.3-20.9 million won for R8 and 29.4-73.8 million won for A8 and S8.

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소속 공무원들에게 배낭여행 기회 제공

[데일리안 경기 강영한 기자]포천시(시장권한대행 심재인)는 소속 공무원들에게 능동적인 선진지 탐방 기회와 혁신적인 글로벌마인드 함양을 도모하기 위해 오는 20일부터 다음달 16까지 총 16명의 직원들을 4기로 나눠 세계로 파견한다.

이번 파견은 능력있고 젊은 직원들로 구성된 주니어벤처팀과 1004봉사단, 시정발전 유공공무원 등으로 구성되었으며 일본, 아랍에미리트, 체코, 오스트리아 등으로 배낭여행을 떠나는 형식이다. 이번 벤치마킹을 통해 포천시가 의욕적으로 추진 중인 포천 에코 디자인 시티(Pocheon Echo-Design City) 및 신도시 개발, 자원봉사 시스템 개선업무에 활용토록 할 방침이다.

시는 자체적인 심사를 통해 직원을 선발, 배낭여행 요령, 외국 여행 시 주의할 사항 등을 교육하고, 한국지방자치단체국제화재단을 통해 방문 대상지에 대한 섭외도 마쳤다.

◇ ⓒ 경기 데일리안
시는 벤치마킹 후 팀별로 귀국보고서를 받아 보고회를 개최하여 여행을 통해 체득한 실전 지식을 실무에 활용토록 유도하고, 이를 책자로 발간하여 각 부서에 배부할 예정이다.

평소 국외여행 기회가 적은 지방공무원들에게 이번 해외 벤치마킹 배낭여행은 공직사회에 새로운 활력을 줄 뿐만 아니라 외국어학습 동기 부여와 해외여행에 대한 자신감을 심어주는 좋은 기회가 될 것으로 기대되고 있다./ 데일리안 경기 강영한 기자

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