Hey, how'd it go?


Knox sneaks in through a side door. He snatches a slice of toast from the counter and motions to one of the staff to keep secret. He then begins to eat the toast as he hurries away.

학교 조리실. 낮

녹스가 옆 문으로 몰래 들어온다. 선반에서 토스트 한 조각을 움켜쥐고는 조리사 중 한 명에게 비밀을 지켜달라는 손짓을 한다. 그리고는 황급히 나가면서 토스트를 먹기 시작한다.


The school bell rings and Knox pushes his way up the stairs. At the top he joins the other boys where they are grabbing their books.

계단. 낮

학교 종이 울리고 녹스가 급히 계단을 올라간다. 맨 위에 다다르자 책들을 집어 들고 있는 다른 아이들을 만난다.

CHARLIE: Get out of here. Cameron, you fool.

찰리: 헛소리 하지 마, 카메론, 바보 녀석.

Charlie notices Knox and grabs his jacket.

찰리가 녹스를 보자 그의 재킷을 붙잡는다.

CHARLIE: Hey, how'd it go? Did you read it to her?

KNOX: Yeah.

찰리: 야, 어떻게 됐어? 그 애한테 읽어 준거야?

녹스: 그래.

The boys begin to get all excited but Charlie shushes them.

아이들이 모두 흥분하기 시작한다. 하지만 찰리는 아이들에게 조용히 하라고 한다.

PITTS: What'd she say?

KNOX: Nothing.

CHARLIE: Nothing. What do you mean, nothing?

KNOX: Nothing. But I did it.

핏츠: 그녀가 뭐라 그러던?

녹스: 아무 얘기도 없었어.

찰리: 아무말도 안했어? 그게 무슨 말이야, 아무말도 안 하다니?

녹스: 아무말도 없었어. 하지만 난 읽어 줬다고.

Knox walks away down the hall and the others chase after him.

녹스가 홀을 내려가고 다른 아이들이 그를 뒤쫓는다.

CHARLIE: What did she say? She had to say something.

PITTS: Come here, Knox.

KNOX: (whooping) Seize the day!

찰리: 그녀가 뭐라고 했어? 뭐라고 말했을 거야.

핏츠: 이리와, 녹스.

녹스: (소리치며) 오늘을 잡아라.


Keating walks from the front of the classroom to Neil's desk. Neil is the only student remaining in the class. Neil looks nervous.

키팅의 교실. 낮

키팅이 교실 앞에서 닐의 책상으로 걸어온다. 닐이 교실에 남아있는 유일한 학생이다. 닐은 긴장하고 있는 듯하다.

KEATING: Did you talk to your father?

NEIL: Uh, he didn't like it one bit, but at least he's letting me stay in the play. He won't be able to make, make it. He's in Chicago. But, uh, I think he's gonna let me stay with acting.

KEATING: Really? You told him what you told me?

NEIL: Yeah. (chuckles) He wasn't happy. But he'll be gone at least four days. I don't think he'll make the show, but I think he'll let me stay with it. "Keep up the school work." (chuckles) Thanks.

키팅: 아버지께 말씀드렸니?

닐: 음, 전혀 좋아하지 않으셨어요. 하지만 이번 연극만은 하라고 하세요. 아버지는 못, 못 오실 거예요. 시카고에 계시거든요. 하지만, 음, 하지만 연극을 하라고 허락은 하실 거예요.

키팅: 정말이니? 네가 나한테 한 말을 아버지께도 말씀 드렸다 이거지?

닐: 네. (웃으면서) 좋아하진 않으셨어요. 하지만 최소한 4일동안 가 계실겁니다. 연극을 보러 오시지는 못할 거에요. 하지만 연극을 계속 하라고 허락하실 거에요. "학교 공부 잘 따라가라"고 말씀하셨어요. (웃으면서) 고맙습니다.

Neil picks up his books and leaves.

닐이 책을 가지고 교실을 나간다.

■ Key Words

sneak: to move, go or depart quietly, furtively and unnoticed. 살금살금 들어가다

ex)They managed to sneak past the guard on the gate.(그들은 가까스로 정문에 있는 수위 곁을 몰래 지나갔다.)

chase: to follow or go after them in an attempt to catch them. 추격하다

ex)My dog likes chasing rabbits.(우리 개는 토끼를 쫓아다니는 것을 좋아한다.)

seize: to take or grab suddenly, eagerly or forcibly. 꽉 잡다, 쥐다

ex)She seized me by the wrist.(그녀는 내 손목을 잡았다.)

chuckle: to laugh quietly, especially in a half-suppressed private way 낄낄 웃다

ex)He chuckled (to himself) as he read the newspaper.(그는 신문을 읽으면서 낄낄거리고 웃었다.)


녹스가 친구들과 얘기하는 장면과 닐이 키팅과 대화하는 장면이다. 속 깊은 이야기를 쉬운 영어로 표현하는 방식을 배울 수 있다.

Hey, how'd it go? Did you read it to her? Yeah.

현지 학생들이 사용하는 영어에 환상을 가질 필요는 없다. 기본적인 단어로 정확하게 의사를 전달하는 영어가 현지 영어다. 참고로 How are you getting here?(여기 어떻게 왔어요?)는 교통편을 묻는 질문이다. I'm here by bus.(버스 타고 왔어요.)라는 식으로 대답한다.

What'd she say? Nothing. Nothing. What do you mean, nothing? Nothing. But I did it.

발음 하나 살펴볼 필요가 있다. What did she say에서 did she가 '디드 쉬' 아니라 '디쉬'로 발음된다는 사실이다. What did he say?였다면 did he를 '디디'로 발음한다.

He won't be able to make, make it. He's in Chicago. But, uh, I think he's gonna let me stay with acting.

닐은 마음이 불안한 상태로 보인다. make가 '가다'의 의미로 쓰일 수 있다. ex) I will make it to the airport at 6 o'clock.(나는 6시에 공항에 갈 것이다.)구어체로 '신문에 실리다'는 의미도 알아두자. ex) The accident made the front page.(그 사건이 1면 기사로 실렸다.)

■ Parting can bring sorrow to those with unruly hair (다루기 힘든 머리카락을 가진 사람을 슬프게 하는 가르마)

DEAR ABBY: For most of my life, I have parted my hair on the right. I am now being told that men should part their hair on the left. Is there a correct side for men?


전 지금까지 대부분 가르마가 오른쪽에 있었어요. 그런데 지금 저는 남자는 가르마가 왼쪽에 있어야 한다는 말을 듣고 있어요. 남자 가르마에 올바른 방향이 있는 건가요?

DEAR HARRY: I relayed your question to my hair design consultant, Bob Cox. According to Bob, people naturally have a cowlick (or " whorl" ) on one side of their scalp from which the hair growth pattern emerges. (Some people have two, although one is usually stronger than the other.) This is what determines which way the hair will naturally fall when it is parted.

Bob went on to relate the story of a client who had recently been referred to him. The gentleman had been going to his former barber for 15 years, and for 15 years his hair had never been easy to manage. Over the last couple of years, the problem had become so bad that his wife had to help him part his hair in the morning.

Bob took one look and realized the former barber had been parting the man's hair on the wrong side, which had been causing it to stick up. The problem was resolved with one appointment. If other men out there are having the same problem, this letter may be helpful.

그 질문을 제 헤어 컨설턴트인 밥 콕스에게 해봤습니다. 밥에 따르면 사람들은 두피 한 쪽에 가마가 자연스럽게 있는데, 이 가마로부터 머리카락의 성장 패턴이 생겨난다고 합니다. (어떤 사람들은 가마가 두 개있지만, 이 때도 보통 한 개가 다른 것보다 우세하다고 해요.) 이에 따라 가르마를 탈 때 머리가 자연스럽게 어느 쪽으로 넘어가느냐가 결정된대요.

밥은 이어서 관련된 이야기로 넘어가 최근에 자신을 추천 받아 찾아온 고객의 이야기를 해줬어요. 그 신사는 15년 동안이나 예전 이발사에게 가서 이발을 하고 있었어요. 그리고 15년 동안 그분의 머리가 관리하기 쉬웠던 적이 없었다고 해요. 지난 2년 동안 문제는 더 악화되어 매일 아침 아내가 머리 넘기는 것을 도와줘야 할 정도였답니다.

밥은 한눈에 전 이발사가 이 남성의 머리를 잘못된 방향으로 넘겨왔고, 그래서 머리가 서고 있었다는 사실을 알아 챘어요. 문제는 한번의 방문으로 해결되었지요. 다른 곳에 또 이런 문제가 있는 남성분이 있다면, 이 편지가 도움이 될 거에요.

DEAR ABBY: I recently presented a research proposal. I did the best I could and was verbally attacked by my boss. She is often tactless and can at times be cruel.

I tried to defend my research, but perhaps I did it too emphatically and went overboard, because my team member turned off my microphone and apologized to the boss.

I understand some of the criticisms, but what bothered me was that other proposals were more flawed than ours, but were not attacked in a similar fashion. one thing led to another, and I broke down in tears at the table. Luckily, the boss did not see it, but other team members did.

Is showing emotion in public wrong? I tried to hold it in but couldn't. I was insulted and felt terrible for my team. Was crying unprofessional? Should I have run to the powder room to sob -- or would that have made it worse?


저는 최근 연구 제안서를 발표했어요. 전 최선을 다했지만 상사로부터 심한 말을 들었어요. 제 상사는 재치가 없고 동시에 잔인할 때도 있어요.

전 제 연구를 옹호하려고 노력했지만, 아마도 제가 너무 강하게 나갔고, 극단적이었던 것 같아요. 왜냐하면 저희 팀원이 제 마이크를 끄고 상사에게 사과했거든요.

상사의 비판 중 일부는 이해가 되지만, 절 화나게 만든 것은 다른 제안서들은 저희 것보다 더 문제가 많았는데도 저희와 같은 방식으로 공격받지는 않았다는 거에요. 이러 저러하여 저는 회의석상에서 울음을 터트렸어요. 운 좋게 상사는 그걸 보지 못했지만, 다른 팀원들은 봤어요.

감정을 공개적으로 드러낸 게 잘못인가요? 참으려고 노력했지만 그러지 못했어요. 전 모욕당했고 저희 팀원들에게 너무 미안해요. 운게 전문가답지 못한 행동이었나요? 화장실로 달려가서 훌쩍였어야 하나요? 아니면 그게 더 상황을 나쁘게 했을까요?

DEAR TEARY-EYED: To show emotion in public is human, as long as one does not have a complete meltdown. You lost control twice, the first time when your team member felt it necessary to turn off your microphone and offer apologies to your boss; the second, when you began crying. Excusing yourself and going to the restroom would have been more appropriate and professional than what you did at the meeting. Learn from it.

감정을 다른 사람들에게 드러내는 것은 매우 인간적인 현상이지요. 단 완전히 감정적으로 무너진 상태가 아닌 한 말이에요. 독자님은 두 번이나 통제력을 상실했어요. 처음은 팀원이 마이크를 꺼야 할 필요를 느끼고 상사에게 사과를 했을 때에요. 그리고 두 번째는, 울기 시작했을 때에요. 양해를 구하고 화장실에 가는 게 회의 중 우는 것보다 보다 적절하고 전문가다운 행동이었을 거에요. 이번 실수로부터 배우세요.

■ Key expressions

*cowlick: a tuft of hair that grows in a different direction from the rest of the hair and usually will not lie flat (이마 위쪽 등의) 곧추선 머리카락

*stick up: if a part of sth sticks up, it is raised up or points upwards above a surface 서있는

*emphatically: decidedly express an opinion, idea etc 강력하게, 단호하게

*go overboard: go to extremes, especially as a result of enthusiasm 극단으로 나가다, ~에 열중하다

*one thing led to another: a phrase used by people to cut out part of a story that is not necessary, so that they can get to the meat of the story 이러저러하여

*break down in tears: be unable to stop yourself crying, especially in public 울음을 터트리다

ⓒ 인터넷한국일보, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지

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An armchair in the Edra pavillion at the International fair for furniture and design in the Fair of Rho in Milan, Lombardia Region, northern Italy on 20 April 2008. The fair is a showcase for excellence covering all types of domestic furnishing, from single pieces to coordinates, and every conceivable style, from classic to design to modern, not to mention trendsetters. EPA/LORENZINI JENNIFER

<저작권자 ⓒ 2007 연 합 뉴 스. 무단전재-재배포 금지.>

< 아이디어의 보물섬! 최신 아이디어 모여라! www.idea-club.com >

A view of Edra pavillion at the International fair for furniture and design in the Fair of Rho in Milan, Lombardia Region, northern Italy on 20 April 2008. The fair is a showcase for excellence covering all types of domestic furnishing, from single pieces to coordinates, and every conceivable style, from classic to design to modern, not to mention trendsetters. EPA/LORENZINI JENNIFER

<저작권자 ⓒ 2007 연 합 뉴 스. 무단전재-재배포 금지.>

< 아이디어의 보물섬! 최신 아이디어 모여라! www.idea-club.com >

An armchair and a mirror in the Egidio Cantarelli's pavillion at the International fair for furniture and design in the Fair of Rho in Milan, Lombardia Region, northern Italy on 20 April 2008. The fair is a showcase for excellence covering all types of domestic furnishing, from single pieces to coordinates, and every conceivable style, from classic to design to modern, not to mention trendsetters. EPA/LORENZINI JENNIFER

<저작권자 ⓒ 2007 연 합 뉴 스. 무단전재-재배포 금지.>

< 아이디어의 보물섬! 최신 아이디어 모여라! www.idea-club.com >

A view of Archetipo's pavillion at the International fair for furniture and design in the Fair of Rho in Milan, Lombardia Region, northern Italy on 20 April 2008. The fair is a showcase for excellence covering all types of domestic furnishing, from single pieces to coordinates, and every conceivable style, from classic to design to modern, not to mention trendsetters. EPA/LORENZINI JENNIFER

<저작권자 ⓒ 2007 연 합 뉴 스. 무단전재-재배포 금지.>

< 아이디어의 보물섬! 최신 아이디어 모여라! www.idea-club.com >

A view of the Missoni's pavilion at the International fair for furniture and design in the Fair of Rho in Milan, Lombardia Region, northern Italy on 20 April 2008. The fair is a showcase for excellence covering all types of domestic furnishing, from single pieces to coordinates, and every conceivable style, from classic to design to modern, not to mention trendsetters. EPA/LORENZINI JENNIFER

<저작권자 ⓒ 2007 연 합 뉴 스. 무단전재-재배포 금지.>

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현대카드(대표 정태영 www.hyundaicard.com)의 라이프스타일 브랜드 ‘프리비아’(PRIVIA)는 예술의전당과 공동 주최해 6월8일까지 예술의전당 디자인미술관 제3전시실에서 ‘프리비아 애비뉴’전시회를 연다. ‘디자인 유어 라이프스타일’(Design your lifestyle)을 부제로 열리는 이번 전시회는 재충전. 휴식. 커뮤니케이션 등 현대인을 대표하는 5개 키워드의 테마공간에 투영해 현대여성의 개성넘치는 라이프스타일을 집중 조명한다. 또 현대카드와 국내 독점계약을 맺고 있는 뉴욕현대미술관(MOMA)의 디자인 아이템 100여종이 함께 전시된다. 누구나 무료로 관람할 수 있다.-주소창에 '스포츠'만 치시면 스포츠서울닷컴 기사가 한눈에!
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< 아이디어의 보물섬! 최신 아이디어 모여라! www.idea-club.com >
By Chung Ah-young

Staff Reporter

As society gets technology and industry-savvy, there is an opposite trend ― the user-generated ``do it yourself (DIY).''

The trend has been spotted in home improvement and decoration for a few years, but is rapidly expanding to furniture, cosmetics, house design and even the performing arts.

DIY taps into the spirit of the people ― the spirit of primitive toolmakers.

The trend caters to the new generation, who want to do things for themselves, and represents freedom.

DIY goes back somentime. At first, people developed their own skills and technology and made available tools to take care of their own needs, such as clothing.

But the phrase ``do it yourself'' came into common usage in the 1950s to refer to various jobs that people could do without the help of professionals.

The trend is spreading faster than ever with the evolution of software-as-a-service, in which users can share UCCs to teach people to develop their own applications.

Also, mounting concerns over health and rising prices have prompted consumers to use eco-friendly materials.

The Gyeonggi Urban Innovation Corporation has applied the ``do-it-yourself'' spirit to building apartments.

Although consumers cannot build their apartments themselves, the corporation encourages consumers to make an input in their design.

The corporation held a design contest for new apartment buildings. Among 112 works, 31 have been selected as the best, including ``Unlimited Natural Space,'' an installation of water screens as eco-friendly structures.

Byucksan Engineering and Construction has launched a project called ``Self-Design Apartment-Blooming'' to cater to individual residents' lifestyles.

The company researched the proposals of more than 20,000 consumers in 2005 to construct a customized apartment building through flexible structures called ``flat slabs,'' with which residents can move walls.

If you have MP3 files or WMA on your computer, you can make your own ring tones.

Local mobile portal Mokey (www.mokey.co.kr) offers a service for users to create bell ring tones in an easy and simple way.

Previously, there was a complicated service to help users change music files into bell ring tones.

The service helps people upload music files to the Mokey site, choose the part of the song to use, save it and then download it to their mobile phone.

A growing number of people are hooking up to the Internet before visiting the doctor.

They usually consult Web sites for a self-diagnosis.

The ``DIY doctor service'' is already available in other countries, providing free advice, hints and tips to anyone who posts questions online.

The National Health Insurance Corporation operates the Web service through http://hi.nhic.or.kr to provide the medical information.

In 2007, the number of monthly unique visitors (a statistic describing a unit of traffic to a Web site, counting each visitor only once in the time frame of the report) was 21,000 as of February 2007. In December, the number soared to 190,000.

Nowadays, the performing arts are getting customized, as well. Musical productions are inviting audiences to participate in writing lyrics and titles.

Last year, a local hip-hop musical, ``Rapper's Paradise,'' collected the creative lyrics in Korean from audiences for its title song, ``I'll Be Missing You'' by Puff Daddy.

Also, the production team of ``Finding Kim Jong-wook'' reflected public preference for actors, cast members and stage sets by inviting photos and stories about people's first loves.

The ``do-it-yourself'' spirit is making women grab tools. Opened in 2003, the famous on-line marketplace www.bejane.com sells tools for women and DIY education content such as magazines, CDs and books.

The tools are small and easy and simple to use compared to tools men regularly use.

According to the book ``Hot Trends 40,'' published in Korea, it scored $12,000 in profit in 2004. But two years after, it saw a dramatic increase in sales to $ 300-400 million.

Local shopping malls such as G-Market and Interpark also sell the tools tailored for women.

There's no question that DIY clothing is a good way to create a unique and envy-inspiring wardrobe on a low budget.

Deconstruction, reconstruction, painting, printing or patching ― no matter what process you use, you're limited only by the scope of your imagination.

Various Internet shopping malls enable you to purchase fabrics and textiles.

The Website www.iloveiot.com provides a beginner's manual on how to make children's clothes.

Also, www.1000zip.com and www.wondannara.co.kr present a variety of fabrics with reasonable prices, along with manuals.

As concerns over instant and trans-fat-heavy products rise, many parents are returning to cooking for their children.

A multi-function electronic grill, which is designed for making waffles, and fish-shaped bread called ``bungoebbang'' is on sale at Internet shopping malls such as G-Market and Interpark.

An ice cream maker by Panasonic enables users to make ice cream with their favorite materials after freezing it for three to five hours.

Various Internet shopping malls offer convenient materials designed for people who want to make their own furniture.

People can make wooden beds, doors, dressers and desks if they consult manuals and learn from woodworkers or Web sites such as www.thediy.co.kr and www.ddaymarkt.co.kr.

The self-study furniture manuals include tips on refurbishing old furniture. The manuals are available on the Internet.

There are many decorative types of wallpaper such as wall murals, wallpaper and stickers.

Wall stickers' prices range from 10,000 to 30,000 won. The wall stickers are convenient to use and very trendy, so are appropriate to change the atmosphere each season.

Internet shopping malls such as www.wallartshop.co.kr and www.diyism.co.kr sell a variety of wallpaper.

Cosmetics, soaps and other beauty products can put a dent in a woman's pocket.

Thus, more women are making their own cosmetics, using ingredients such as fruits, natural oils and grain.

Self-made cosmetics need to be checked for suitability for users' skin types to prevent allergic reactions.

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By Kim Yoo-chul

Korea Times Correspondent

MAJORCA, Spain ― Royal Philips Electronics (Philips) has clarified its intention to stick with the liquid crystal display (LCD) TV business in the European market. Bigger rivals such as Samsung Electronics and Sony hope to narrow the market gap here with distinctive strategies.

The Dutch-based consumer electronics giant recently dropped its LCD TV business from North America as a steep drop in prices of TVs by its bigger competitors caused the company to lose its price edge against Samsung, Sony and even in the low end ― with commodity brands like Vizio and Westinghouse ― in the world's biggest consumer electronics market.

``We will solidify leadership in our traditional European LCD market by fueling more that we had saved from North America,'' Hans-Joachim Kamp, chief executive of Philips Consumer Lifestyle told The Korea Times, Sunday. He was attending the ``Internationale Funkausstellung (IFA) 2008 International Press Conference'' here from April 18 to 20.

IFA is one of the largest consumer electronics trade fairs in the world. The annual show will be held in Berlin, Germany from Aug. 29 to Sept. 3 with an estimated 1,300 companies from 34 countries attending.

Speculations had been high that Philips might shift its core strategy to bio-, lightening- and environment-friendly businesses even in Europe after it ceased all TV sourcing, distribution, marketing and sales activities in North America and transferred all such rights to Funai.

The remarks came less than a month after Philips' North American chief executive, Paul Zeven emphasized the company will focus on more stable markets.

``South Korea's LG Display could maintain a `healthy partnership' with our company because we plan to strengthen our TV business in Europe,'' another Philips official said, adding his company will commercialize LCD TVs with light-emitting diode backlights in the latter half of this year.

Premium Strategy: Samsung

Samsung Electronics, the world's No.1 manufacturer of LCD TV sets, plans to put more focus on selling premium TV sets in a bid to surge ahead of Philips within the next two or three years.

``The brand recognition of Samsung's LCD TVs exceeded over 50 percent in European key markets including Germany, Britain and Italy due to strong distribution channels,'' Michael Kurpiers, senior manager of Samsung Electronics' German affiliate, told the paper, adding this year's strategic ``Pavv Bordeaux 650,'' which has applied the ``Crystal Rose'' design, will be commercialized this week.

``As far as I know, Sony is not considering cutting prices of its crystal sets in Europe, unlike in North America and China. However, we are closely watching Sony's possible next moves,'' he added.

According to estimates by GfK, a market research firm, the size of the flat-screen TV market in Europe is expected to reach 24.6 billion euros this year from 10.9 billion euros in 2007, while TVs with 30- and 40-inch levels will account for 62 percent of the total.

Massive Promotion: Sony

Sony has been known to compete in the European market by releasing a series of new products and installing a bigger booth at this year's IFA show.

``The size of Sony's booth will reach 6,000 square meters out of 30,000 square meters in total, while that of Samsung Electronics and LG Electronics will be installed within 4,000 square meters and 2,000 square meters, respectively,'' Christian Goke, chief operating officer of Messe Berlin, an organizer of the trade fair, said.

On a question over specific details of Sony, the official declined to elaborate by saying ``We have engaged in talks with the Japanese company.''

Such comments are in line with Sony's ongoing strategy of selling latest sets with attractive prices from North America to China for the revival of its past glory.

Experts say the ``LCD TV War'' is expected to heat up in the European market and shy away from North America as manufacturers are betting that increasing appearance of the sets in households will lay the ground for one of the world's biggest consumer electronics markets, along with China.

``Supply chain management is the key for a bigger presence here, because the European market is decentralized,'' the official said, adding that Sharp was struggling in the region because its insufficient marketing manpower makes it difficult to deal with major retail chains.

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Turkish Film Week

The Turkish Embassy will hold a Turkish film week at the Korea Foundation Cultural Center in Seoul from April 28 through May 3.

"Ice Cream, I Scream" will be exhibited at 7 p.m., April 28; "Lovelorn" at 7 p.m., April 29; "Away From Home" at 7 p.m., April 30; "Offside" at 7 p.m., May 2, and "The Fall of Sultan Abdulahamit" at 3 p.m., May 3. Admission is free, and no RSVP is required. For more information, call (02) 794-0255, or visit the Web site: www.kfcenter.or.kr


Relocation of Panamanian Embassy

The Embassy of Panama will be relocated to Gwanghwamun Platinum Building in Jongno-gu from the current location at Northgate Building in the same district.

The embassy will open at the new location on April 30. Contact information will remain unchanged. For more information, call 734-8610, or email to panaemba@kornet.net.


Korean program for diplomats: Ambassadors who registered for the Korean language tutorial organized by the Gangnam-gu Volunteer Center cut a cake at a launching ceremony held at the Imperial Paris Hotel in Seoul, Wednesday. From left: Kim Yeong-mee, director of the Gangnam-gu Volunteer Center; Hungarian Ambassador Miklos Lengyel; Peruvian Ambassador Marcela Lopez Bravo; Maeng Jung-ju, mayor of Gangnam-gu Office; Paraguayan Ambassador Ceferino Adrian Valdez Peralta; and Syed Sajjad Haider, counsellor of the Pakistani Embassy.

/ Courtesy of Gangnam-gu Volunteer Center

S. African Week to Hit Seoul

An annual South African Week will again celebrate the South African freedom in Korea peppered with diverse activities.

South Africa held its first democratic elections on April 27, 1994.

on April 29, an investment seminar on "South African Natural Resources and Beneficiation thereof" will take place at the Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency.

From April 29 through May 2, a Cultural Design Exhibition will take place at the COEX Mall with 15 South African companies exhibiting leather accessories, beadwork, weaving, home textiles, ceramics, jewelry and fashion accessories.

Throughout the exhibition, a group of musicians and dancers will give performances.

Freedom Day celebration will take place on April 30 at the Lotte Hotel.

on May 1, cultural exhibitions will be held on board the Cafe Train organized by the Korea Railroad.

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