General Motors Vice President Global Design Ed Welburn talks about the new Buick Invicta show car during its world debut at a special event prior to the start of Auto China 2008 in Beijing, China, 19 April 2008. The four-door midsize sedan with a coupe-like roofline presents bold direction for Buick's new generation of vehicles in the world's two biggest automotive markets; the United States and China. EPA/NATALIE BEHRING/ GENERAL MOTORS HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE onLY
<저작권자 ⓒ 2007 연 합 뉴 스. 무단전재-재배포 금지.>
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CHINA OLYMPICS BIRDS NEST제니카페<cafe.naver.com/writergeni> (0) | 2008.04.29 |
CHINA OLYMPICS BIRDS NEST제니카페<cafe.naver.com/writergeni> (0) | 2008.04.29 |
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ITALY DESIGN <YONHAP NO-0113> (AP)제니카페<cafe.naver.com/writergeni> (0) | 2008.04.29 |