
■응모 문제■

There is a broken computer where pressing the ‘$’ key after pressing a number key shows a certain result. Look at the screen to observe some of the results. You will find that there is a pattern behind the calculation.

You pressed a number and then pressed the ‘$’ three times. If the result was 1, what should the first number you pressed have been? Write all possible such numbers.

■도전! 하나■

One day Smarty found a strange germ in a bottle. This germ morphed into three germs in exactly one hour. The three germs again turned into nine germs in another hour! Smarty put one of these germs in a clean bottle at noon, finding that the bottle was full of germs at midnight. What time should it have been when one third of the bottle was full?

■도전! 둘■

Look at the following series of patterns developed out of a square. Explain how these patterns are being developed.

■도전! 셋■

The following chart lists the tasks to be done to hold a dance competition, the number of days it takes to complete each task, and the order in which some of the tasks should be done. For example, it takes three days to hire volunteers, and for that to happen, you should first decide the place of competition. What is the date when you should be deciding the place of competition at the latest?

■도전! 넷■

Cecil put together three squares and drew in lines which go in two different diagonal directions as below. What is the sum of the two indicated angles?

■도전! 다섯■

A, B, C, D, and E are playing a game called the ‘ladder.’ In this game, you should follow a certain vertical line until you hit a horizontal line which you should then follow. If you hit a vertical line along the way, you should then follow the line down until you hit another horizontal line. You repeat the process until you reach a destination at the bottom of a vertical line.

If we want to design the ladder so that a arrives at A, b arrives and B, c arrives at C, d arrives at D and e arrives at E, at least how many lines should we draw into it?

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